Wellington-bootstrap and Wellington-footprint

1. Jason Piper, Markus C. Elze, Pierre Cauchy, Peter N. Cockerill, Constanze Bonifer, and Sascha Ott. Wellington: A Novel Method for the Accurate Identification of Digital Genomic Footprints from DNase-Seq Data. Nucleic Acids Research, 2013. doi:10.1093/nar/gkt850.
2. Jason Piper, Salam A Assi, Pierre Cauchy, Christophe Ladroue, Peter N Cockerill, Constanze Bonifer, and Sascha Ott. Wellington-Bootstrap: Differential DNase-Seq Footprinting Identifies Cell-Type Determining Transcription Factors. BMC Genomics, 2015. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-2081-4.

[github_markdown repo=”cyversewarwick/wellington-footprint” file=”README.md” trim=”1″]

App Category:
Genome-wide Chromatin Data / Footprint Identification